
Homeland Security starts with Hometown Security. The Louisiana Center for Safe Schools provides school communities and safety partners with quality information and resources by identifying and promoting strategies, practices, and programs supporting safe schools for all as part of the academic mission. The Louisiana Center for Safe Schools aims to create a virtual resource library to connect local stakeholders for emergency preparedness planning, training, execution, recovery, and reporting. After all, education is the key to opportunity and advancement. Likewise, providing safe and secure learning environments is the core foundation of learning and engagement.

Search for School Safety Resources!

Find more school safety resources from the Louisiana Center for Safe Schools and affiliated programs and agencies.

Resource Center

Trending School Safety Topics and Resources from LCSS’s partner agencies.

School & Nonprofit Security Grant Program Information Session


Get In Touch

Louisiana Center for Safe Schools staff are available via email to respond to questions and requests.

Contact Us

We welcome your input on the resources available on the resources available on our website and suggestions for additional sources. We are also open to discussion and feedback on trainings, high-quality plans or plan components, novel or innovative practices, and stories of lessons learned to contribute to the field.

  • 7667 Independence Boulevard Baton Rouge, LA 70806
  • 225.925.7500
  • SafeSchools@la.gov

Contact Us

Can add static text here on the form. Can't seem to figure out if I can style it though.

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